About asparagus

The nutritional value

The nutritional value

Green asparagus is a plant rich in vitamin A, C and folic acid. The amount zinc and calcium is significant, as well as other biologically active substances found in plant.

Asparagus consists of 90% of water and contains about 1% of fiber, 2% of protein, 2% of carbohydrates, while the content of fats is close to zero. Therefore asparagus is low-calorie food, if the attention is paid to the selection of right garnishes. 

Nutritional value of 100 grams of asparagus:


Albumen                                           2 g

Carbohydrates                                3 g

Phosphorous                                   50 mg

Potassium                                        240 mg

Calcium                                            25 mg

Iron                                                    1 mg

Vitamin A                                          0,3 mg

Vitamins B2, B3, B6 and C           30 mg


The greatest part of vitamins is found in buds. In addition, there are other useful substances found in asparagus, for example, folic acid, glutation and others.

The folic acid is vitamin B that improves memory and brain activity, reduces the risk of heart diseases, cancer of large intestine, liver diseases and heart attack.      

According to research, the additional consumption of folic acid before and after the conception of baby reduces risks of the number of diseases. 

Asparagus are considered the best source of folic acid, the next being the orange juice.  100 grams of asparagus ensure the daily consumption of folic acid.

Glutinate is a protein consisting of 3 amino acids and is considered to be the most useful antioxidant.  This substance is associated with the protection against cancer and ability to resist viruses, as well as the renovation of immune system. Glutinate is found in asparagus, melons and avocados. 


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